Thursday, September 16, 2010


I'm always getting the Jennifers mixed up. And the Toms. And the Amys.  And don't even get me started on the Wills, Williams, and Willems.  Darn you actors, why can't you have unusual first names?  Why couldn't your parents have named you things like Xerxes or Hezekiah?  Why do you insist on confusing me so?

I started this project because I was tired of getting celebrities with similar names mixed up in my brain.  I thought cataloging them might help.  Plus it's kind of cool to see how many celebrities actually share same first (or last) name. 

Feel free to suggest celebrity names I should post about -- but don't give me too much grief if I forget somebody.  There's only so much time in the world, and I can only do my best.

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